28 March 2009


I was looking through stuff I´d written for the Writers´Group and came across something I´d written about Winston ages ago. Winston was our English Springer Spaniel.We bought him in Sweden when he was 12 weeks old,and he came down to Spain when we moved here in 2002.He never really took well to the environment here and developed a dust allergy, which was miserable for him at times and very expensive and time-consuming for us to treat.

However, he remained throughout a loving, even-tempered and happy dog who gave us great pleasure and companionship. He died just before Christmas at nearly 12 years old. It took us ages to stop feeling intensely miserable and we miss him acutely still.

Reading some of the things I´d written about him led to looking at photos of him and the grief welled up again. I really miss him, much more than I ever thought possible.

I don´t know if we´ll ever get another dog. Maybe, one day. Till then, I treasure my writing and photos which bring back memories of lots of fun and happy times.

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