26 April 2009

Tapas in Torrevieja.

Today I went to Torrevieja with some friends to follow the so-called Tapas Route.

This was an initiative organised by the Torrevieja Council and Tourist Office to showcase the 22 bars taking part and introduce customers to the wonderful world of tapas.

Each of the bars taking part offerred two tapas, one typical, one innovative and for 2 euros you could try one of these and something to drink.

We managed 6 bars in the afternoon but did meet a group of English people who had done 14! I don´t know how they did it - we were struggling towards the end. What was particularly nice was that there was a real variety of people in the bars - ex-pats, Spaniards young and old and tourists.

The tapas were tasty, interesting and nicely presented. Some were familiar but some were a new take on traditional tapas and the idea was to pick out the two you liked best and vote for those.

The counting of the votes takes place on 7 May and prizes are to be awarded ( meals in the winning establishments) from a draw on the public votes. I loved some of the newer tapas but I must say my vote would go to the traditional pulpo at La Huertica on C/ Patricio Perez - to die for!!!

We started off with good judging intentions but after about four bars, things got a bit hazy and we ended up on the sea front at a restaurant dancing with a group of Spaniards on holiday from Palencia.

A great afternoon was had by all! If you missed this event, keep your eyes peeled for next time.

Que aproveche!

14 April 2009

The Berbers and a Mediaeval Market.

At the Easter weekend, I went to Los Alcázares where a 3-day fiesta was being held.It included a spectacular parade and a wonderful Mediaeval market.

There was a thrilling sword fight between mounted Knights, a live bear playing a trumpet, and lots of colourfully costumed Berbers.

Not a drunk in sight, not an unpleasant fight or incident anywhere to be seen. Just a lot of families and young people out on a Saturday night enjoying themselves.

It was a joy to experience and I can strongly recommend it for next year.

8 April 2009

Semana Santa

It´s Easter again and the parades have started.The drum bands began practising soon after the New Year and as they got more sure of themselves, they paraded around the streets to get the right pace. When they were really confident, they paraded and drummed at the same time.This all took place after 10 at night so it was quite noisy!

The Palm Sunday parade was really wonderful. Lots of children dressed as Nazarenes, beautiful palm decorations and the throne itself. It was Christ on a donkey, entering Jerusalem. Beautifully decorated with flowers and shining brightly with silver metal, it was carried by smartly dressed men, followed in the procession by the Parish Priest, the Mayor , children going to their first communion and families of churchgoers carrying palm fronds.

An open-air church service took place when the throne had been safely carried to the church square and the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy.Parades later in the week are more serious, especially the one on Maundy Thursday evening. It takes place with no street lighting on and in silence. Very moving. The biggest parade is on Good Friday evening when all the brotherhoods take part. It is spectacular.The final parade on Easter Suday in the morning is, once again, a joyful occasion.

The Parades in Seville are said to be the most spectacular of all but I really think Pilar does itself proud for such a small community.

4 April 2009

An Easter Sentiment, 2009.

I haven´t got much money
I´m pretty skint, in fact.
So I´ve asked the Easter Bunny
If we can make a pact.

That all the bloody bankers
And Fat Cats in New York
Should be stuck down with cankers
So we can cheer and gawk.

They´d have to say they´re sorry
And pay their fortunes back
`Cos they´re all stupid wankers
And well deserve the sack.

I think they all should suffer
And grasp what they have done
They´ve made our lives lots tougher
And we can´t afford much fun.

So down with City Experts
And Heads of Funds and Stocks!
We´ll squeeze them all so that it hurts
Till they pull up their socks!

Actually, I probably AM quite brilliant (ish).

I finally found out how to put my profile back on. Yippeee!!!
So there´s life in the brain cells yet.
Go Girl !!!!

Actually, I´m not so brilliant.

I went and pressed something else and my profile has gone again.

Bugger, Bugger, Bugger!!!