26 June 2011

Whoah!! Stopping in time.

Somebody sent me this as an illustration of when you should hang up your car keys. Man´s best friend gulps, horrified at what is about to, or has nearly happened. The driver, concentrated, determined, carries on regardless.

Do we ever know when enough is enough? Does it need a bite in the backside to focus our attention? Anyway, it made me think a bit about not only driving but other stuff that one does and perhaps shouldn´t. Like going to a jazz concert which ends in  the early hours and thinking you can get up for a session at the gym at 9a.m. like you might easily have done in your salad days.

But on the subject of driving,I´ve done quite a bit of it in the last few months since hubby broke his hip. He seems quite happy to sit back and let me do all the chauffering nowadays even though he is perfectly capable of driving himself now. I must concede, however, that he gets tireder quicker, so since I am a notch or two younger than him, I suppose it´s fair enough for me to do the navvy´s work.

I just wish I were better at parking in a small space. It takes a great deal of time and concentration for me to do it well and it´s almost a certainty that once I start the procedure, several impatient drivers appear out of the woodwork and sit watching, occasionally giving their engines an impatient rev. Men, of course. I´d like them to start a multi task procedure, which is what women do with flair, watched by a line of ladies tapping their feet in irritation, and see how well they do.

So ends my passing thought for the day.

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