25 August 2009

Nordic Gloom.

Sweden is fast galloping towards autumn and winter.

As I write ( 20.00) it is pitch black outside.
The shops are full of dark coloured autumn clothes.
The schools have been back for a week.
People have returned to work from their holidays.
Tourist attactions are closing down.
Sweden has its collective nose back to the grindstone.

Meanwhile, most other countries are still in the throes of sun sand and sangria.
I´m sure it must have something to do with Martin Luther or Calvin or some other sort of Nordic guilt trip.

People are girding their loins and preparing for the swift glide into the chill and misery of a Scandinavian winter. Memories of light and sun are cherished and will be brought out to make the months to come endurable.

We are on the last lap now of our stay here and are beginning to think about last-minute shopping and whether or not we´ll be overweight on our baggage allowance.

I´ve enjoyed our stay but am looking forward to being back in my own place again.
Not to mention a visit or two to the beach.

Let´s hope there´s some sun left for us when we get back!

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